About cattery

 I am pleased to welcome you to our web-site of Siberian and Neva Masquerade cats cattery " HOHLOMA ."

Our cattery is located in Moscow .
We have been breeding and popularization of the Siberian cat breed
as traditional colors and colors Siberian color-point ( Neva Masquerade cats) .
Our Cattery "HOHLOMA" is registered on the systems TICA and ICU.
Beauty , power, wisdom , devotion inherent Siberian cat could not leave me indifferent .
I hope that you will be interested to know our cats better and, who knows, maybe it is here you will find a small miracle that will steal your heart !

The cattery is registered in FK "Roskosh".

Sincerely, Golubeva Svetlana  cattery "Hohloma"


Our news


May 18-19, 2024 Felis Club Exhibition

The Siberian family went to the exhibition.
The cattery was exhibited in kitten, adults and neuter.

In class, the kitten was represented by:
Knyaz Monomah GoldKhokhloma SIB n24, 5 months. 
2 days - Nom Bis
5th & 10th place - ring of the young.
5th piace - Siberian Fanshow.


In class, the adult was represented by:

D'Lady GoldKhokhloma SIB n24, 1years
Nom Bis - 2 days
BOS adult - 2 day
6th place - Siberian Fanshow
5th - rihg adult

In class, the neuter was represented by:

Dunyasha GoldKhokhloma, SIB n24, 7,5 years
Best Neuter - 2 days
3th - ring neuter
2th - ring Siberian
10th - ring LH&SLH
2th - ring gerls



January 13-14, 2024 OLSK Club

Ledy GoldKhokhloma, 8 months
13th of January:
- The best Junior of the 1st day
 - 1st place fan show "Siberian Miracle"
- 3rd place junior ring
- 3rd place DSH/PDSH fan show
on January 14:
- The best Junior of the 2nd day
- 4th place Ring of the young
- The best Junior in the Race of Siberians of traditional color
- 4th place Cat fan show
- 2nd place Tabby fan show

December 2-3, 2023 Club "RosKosh" exhibition

Lady GoldKhokhloma SIB n24, 6 месяцев.
2 december :
- 6 place - WCF ring young
3 december:
- 5 place - WCF ring young
- 5 place - ring "RosKosh" young

21-22 октября КЛК "Москва"

Lady GoldKhokhloma, SIB n24, 5,5 месяцев.
21 October:
- 1 place fanshow "Lady"
- 9 place Ring young
- 9 место Ring LH&SLH
22 October:
- 1 место Ring young
- 1 место Ring Aborigen
